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My Braids

I like to look good, and being a black female Olympic Weightlifter doesn’t change that. I love to get my hair done regularly. I usually rock curly hair, but needed a change, so I got box braids (hair extensions) to change up my look. While I was getting them done, it had occurred to me that the hair was heavy and it would cause me to have to lose extra weight for my weigh-in’s. I was freaking out...


My weight is forever up and down like the Behemoth roller coaster at Canada’s Wonderland. My problem is I love to eat….sweets especially. Close to competition I have to cut down my sugar intake because my body type is like a sponge, I gain weight at the drop of a hat. The nights are the WORST!!!! I have huge cravings that make me want to pull out my hair! I usually have a little taste of peanut...

Worries about my upcoming Competition

I had many worries about my up coming competition on October 4th in the Ray Hamilton Classic. It was my first competition back from my time off and I was terrified! I worried about numerous things; would I be able to lift moderate to heavy weights, would I bomb out, would I still win with the number that I do and would I still have my competition mentality. My dad/coach helped me mentally a lot...

Long Way Back

This past summer I took a two week family trip to Antigua and Barbuda, where my mom was born, for a reunion. I did not realize taking two weeks off training would affect me drastically. It has been such a struggle for me to get back to where I was before I left for my vacation. During my time off, I gorged on foods I usually avoid when I train….boy that was strike two! My diet consisted of...