Anyone one who knows me knows that I am a big-time germaphobe. I hate being dirty, I hate touching dirty things if I can’t wash my hands right after. I get uncomfortable being around sick people and I hate getting sick! Being sick to me is like the end of the world. I usually get a swollen sore throat, mega headache, I become even more listless and drained than I usually am. I’m basically a zombie. All I am able to do is lie in bed, watch my British soaps and drink my grandma’s homemade soup. But, when I do that, I feel guilty for not being able to train, I feel like I am missing good quality training because I am under the weather. Then I start feeling paranoid about losing my skills, because I know that every training day counts and feel like I am slacking off if I miss one or more. I hate feeling like a slacker. Luckily, my mom is able to calm me down by reminding me that I would do myself no favours training while sick. So, whenever I get a hint of anyone remotely sick in my vicinity, I stay FAR away from them. My family gets really annoyed with me because I make it a point to avoid any contact with them at all costs if they so much as sneeze.